This blog is mainly about Meta-Union as a community and a Minecraft server. All articles here are written by Folas1337,

Neither MetaUnion nor any authors here are affiliated with Mojang or Minecraft!

The main ideas behind survival

  • We like to reward "real" work rather than automation
    • One way of preventing automation is by having mobs of different sizes which makes many farms less effective and pushes players to either come up with new, clever ways of their own OR make "natural" farms where...

I get a lot of requests for skyblock and the main reason why I turn them down quite often, is the fact that the requesting people don't exactly understand the idea or the philosophy behind skyblock, so I thought I'd write down the most important ones.

  • Resources should be farmable while being AFK...


I bought a new physical server I'm calling MetaUnion3 (MetaUnion1 existed at some point but was replaced by MetaUnion2 which is why there is only MetaUnion2 and MetaUnion3 right now) a few days ago and though I had everything set up so that it would be easy to migrate some services to tha...

The main issue

FAWE which is short for FastAsyncWorldEdit has problems every now and then, mainly resulting in schematics not pasting everything, reverting changes not fully happening and just all around weird behavior when it comes to copy-pasting or making big changes in general. This often lead...